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Mineral Rights Report
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Client Reviews
Crockett, TX
I worked with Emily, who was extremely knowledgeable about all aspects of the sale, from current and prospective activity on the property to evaluating the market. The sale was swift and went above the posted price. I was ambivalent about selling my mineral rights, but the experience was very good and reassured me I’d made the right choice.
Reeves, TX
Eric and Emily were a pleasure to work with. They were very professional, thorough and attentive to my needs. Were very helpful in explaining the entire process of selling mineral rights. I felt confident that they obtained the best price available. I would highly recommend TX Royalty Brokers!
San Augustine, TX
In the world we live in today, it’s very difficult to know who to trust. Eric and Emily were knowledgeable, patient, and professional. They exceeded my expectations, and EARNED my trust. I would recommend them to anyone looking to sell their minerals.
Glasscock, TX
I enjoyed working with Emily and Eric. They did exactly what they said they would do. They were very professional and communicated well. I would recommend them to anyone looking to sell their mineral rights.
Ward, TX
Eric and Emily were a pleasure to work with. I was able to quickly sell my resources for top dollar!
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Listing Title
Minerals for Sale in Martin County Texas
Listing ID
Listing Status
- Listing Posted - complete
- Listing Evaluation - complete
- Accepting Offers - complete
- Client Review - complete
- Best and Final - complete
- Under Contract - complete
Please take a moment to learn more about each listing phase.
We are currently in the listing evaluation phase for these mineral rights. We will begin accepting offers on Thursday, February 9th.
Listing Files
Please click the download button below to view the listing files. Listing files include maps, check stubs, and other documentation.
Listing Details
Starting Bid: $700,000
- State : Texas
- County : martin
- Legal Location : SE/4 of Section 7, Block 36, T3N, T&P Ry Co. Survey
- Net Acres : 42.7
- Active Lease : Yes
- Royalty Rate : 20%
- Producing : yes
- Average Income : $652
Update: 3/3/2023
Update: 2/13/2023
The seller has accepted an offer and this listing is now sale pending. No further bids will be accepted on this property.
This is an opportunity to buy a nice acreage position in Martin County Texas.
The owner of these mineral rights has 42.7 net royalty acres held by 3 old vertical wells on a 160 acre unit. This acreage is absolutely surrounded by rig and permit activity. There are a large number of rigs in very close proximity to this acreage. With no horizontal wells drilled across this acreage, this is an excellent upside opportunity in Martin County Texas. The royalty income is averaging around $650/month on the current vertical production.
We located the lease agreement which would indicate a 20% royalty rate. This would indicate 26.67 net mineral acres Please carefully read the addendum on page 3 of this lease agreement. It would appear that the existing lease covers depths down to the current wells, but terminates “as to all depths 100 feet below, but not above, the stratigraphic equivalent of the deepest formation capable of producing in each well tract.” We would interpret this to mean that the buyer of these mineral rights rights would be able to lease the deep rights at a higher royalty rate than 20% meaning it’s possible to get 53.34 net royalty acres on the deep rights. It is the responsibility of each buyer to determine how the addendum applies. We are only representing 42.7 NRA. The buyer may also be able to get a near term ROI by leasing the deep rights.
The owner inherited the mineral rights in two separate transactions.
The owner would like to start the bidding at $700,000 for 42.7 net royalty acres. Buyers are responsible for running title and confirming the total number of net royalty acres owned. Any adjustments to the purchase price would require a title report to be provided to prove the discrepancy.
To view/download the listing files, please visit the link below:
We will begin accepting offers on Thursday, February 9th.
All buyers are required to either do a 14 day close, make a $5,000 deposit, or sign our qualified buyer agreement once a deal has been verbally agreed upon.
The mineral owner has exclusively listed with Texas Royalty Brokers. Please do not contact the mineral owner directly. To make a bid or ask questions about this listing, please contact Texas Royalty Brokers using the contact form below. Our team will quickly be in touch.
We have other mineral rights for sale.
Exclusitivity Notice
All listings posted at Texas Royalty Brokers are exclusive. The seller has agreed to exclusively sell through our company and will become personally liable if you close a deal directly with the seller. Please direct all offers and communication directly to Texas Royalty Brokers.
Accepting Offers on 2/9/2023