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Shelby, TX

September 27, 2024

I found the team at Texas Royalty Brokers to be honest, competent, and focused on my needs. I plan on using them again and would not hesitate to recommend them.

John B.

Atascosa, TX

September 26, 2024

Around a year ago I received a brochure from Texas Royalty Brokers. I held on to it till this year. In speaking with the team at Texas Royalty Brokers it was clear to me to use their expertise. They were extremely knowledgeable and helpful in guiding me through this extensive process. I could completely recommend them to anyone interested in selling their minerals.

Susan N.

Karnes, TX

September 25, 2024

Emily and Eric did a wonderful job of marketing and selling my minerals. They were very helpful during the whole transaction. I couldn’t have asked for a better deal!

Diane S.

Karnes, Tx

September 18, 2024

We had an amazing experience with Emily and Eric. They were professional and knowledgeable in handling our deal and exceeded our expectations. We even experienced an issue on our end that they helped walk us through and resolve quickly! I would definitely use them again!

Sara P.

La Salle, TX

September 4, 2024

They were so Great… always up front, they did all the work and we got a very fair price… Didn’t have to bother with all the calls of other brokers with bait and switch offers. TRB are the Only way to sell your royalties and get a fair price.

Mark M.

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How to Sell Oil and Gas Royalties

Texas Star Seperator

Selling oil and gas royalties can be a complex process, offering a unique opportunity to capitalize on valuable oil and gas assets.

In this guide, we will navigate through the essential aspects of selling oil and gas royalties, starting with a clear understanding of what oil and gas royalties are. We will delve into the methodologies for calculating their value, ensuring you can accurately assess your assets.  We will explore strategies and tips on how to sell your royalties for the best price, maximizing the value of your royalty interests.   By the end of this guide, you’ll be well-equipped with the knowledge and tools to make an informed decision about how to sell oil and gas royalties for the best market price possible.

What are Oil and Gas Royalties?

Texas Star Seperator

Oil and gas royalties are payments made by operators (oil and gas companies) to mineral owners for the extraction and sale of resources from their mineral rights. When an oil and gas operator drills on a property, the mineral owner is entitled to a portion of the production revenue. This payment is based on the lease royalty rate specified in the lease agreement between the mineral owner and the operator, which ranges from 12.5% to 25%. This royalty rate determines the percentage of the production’s value that the mineral owner will receive, making it a crucial factor in the overall income mineral owners receive from oil and gas production.

The process begins when a mineral owner leases their mineral rights to an operator. The lease agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which the operator can explore, drill, and produce oil and gas from the land. Once drilling and production begin, the operator sells the extracted resources and calculates the mineral owner’s share based on the agreed-upon royalty rate. For example, if the royalty rate is 20% and the production revenue is $100,000, the mineral owner would receive $20,000 minus an expenses the operator incurred related to the production.  These payments are typically made on a monthly basis and can provide a significant and ongoing income stream for the mineral owner.

The value of these oil and gas royalty interests can vary based on factors such as production levels, market prices for oil and gas, and the specific terms of the lease agreement. By grasping the basics of how royalties are calculated and paid, mineral owners can make informed decisions about their mineral interests.

Calculating Oil and Gas Royalties Value

Texas Star Seperator

Calculating the value of oil and gas royalties involves estimating future income based on recent production trends.  A common method is to take the average monthly income from the last three months and use this as a basis for projection.

To estimate the value of mineral rights, this average monthly income is then multiplied by a factor representing three to six years of income. For example, if the average monthly royalty income is $5,000, the estimated value range would be $5,000 multiplied by 36 to 72 months (3 to 6 years), resulting in an estimated value between $180,000 and $360,000.

To calculate the value of oil and gas royalties, use our mineral rights value calculator below:

It is important to note that the value derived from this calculation may not always be accurate, especially for new production wells that are less than five years old. New wells typically experience a rapid decline in production rates, meaning that the initial high income may decrease significantly over a short period. Consequently, the calculated value of oil and gas royalties might be higher than what the royalties will actually yield over time. While this method provides a useful ballpark figure, it doesn’t account for the natural decline in production, making it an overestimation for newer wells.

The most reliable way to determine the true market value of oil and gas royalties is to obtain competitive bids. Engaging with a professional brokerage service, such as Texas Royalty Brokers, allows mineral owners to receive multiple offers from interested mineral buyers. This competitive bidding process helps ensure that the mineral owner gets the best possible price for their royalties, reflecting the current market demand and actual production potential. By comparing bids from different buyers, mineral owners can make a well-informed decision and maximize the financial return on their oil and gas assets.


Contact us to find out how much your mineral rights are worth.

Selling Oil and Gas Royalties for the Best Price

Texas Star Seperator

Selling oil and gas royalties for the best price hinges on creating a competitive environment among potential buyers. Many mineral owners make the mistake of accepting the first few offers they receive in the mail without seeking further bids, often resulting in a sale well below the market value. These initial offers are typically lower because they come from buyers looking to capitalize on uninformed sellers. Accepting these offers can lead to substantial financial loss, as the true value of the royalties is often much higher.

Competition among buyers is crucial in driving up the sale price of oil and gas royalties. When multiple buyers are interested and competing for the same asset, the prices naturally increase, typically by 10% to 30% higher than the initial unsolicited offers. This competitive bidding process ensures that the mineral owner receives the best possible price, reflecting the actual market value and potential future income of the royalties. Without competition, sellers miss out on significant potential earnings, as buyers have no incentive to offer the true value upfront.

Listing your royalties with a professional service like Texas Royalty Brokers can ensure you achieve the best possible price. Texas Royalty Brokers specializes in creating a competitive marketplace for your royalties, soliciting offers from multiple qualified buyers. By doing so, they ensure that each bid reflects a true and competitive market value, leveraging their expertise and network to maximize your financial return. Their structured process and industry knowledge mean you can confidently navigate the sale of mineral rights, knowing you are getting the highest possible price for your oil and gas royalties.

Why Sell Oil and Gas Royalties?

Texas Star Seperator

There are a number of reasons why mineral owners choose to sell oil and gas royalties.   Every situation is unique and there is no right or wrong answer.  A lot of mineral owners have been told to never sell mineral rights.   However, this is bad advice.  There are many reasons to consider selling oil and gas royalties.  If you have been told to never sell oil and gas royalties, take some time to consider the following reasons to sell:

  • Tax Considerations: Selling royalties can provide immediate cash flow, which may be beneficial for tax planning. It allows you to manage capital gains taxes more effectively and potentially take advantage of favorable tax rates. Learn more about mineral rights taxes.
  • Diversification of Assets: By selling royalties, you can reinvest the proceeds into a more diversified portfolio. This reduces the risk associated with having a significant portion of your wealth tied to the oil and gas industry, which can be volatile.  If your oil and gas royalties represent more than 5% to 10% of your net worth, you should strong consider selling.
  • Immediate Financial Needs: Selling royalties can provide a substantial lump sum of money, which can be used to cover large expenses, pay off debts, or fund major life events like education, weddings, or home purchases.
  • Market Timing: Taking advantage of high market prices can be a strategic move. When oil and gas prices are favorable, selling royalties can result in a higher sale price than in a depressed market.
  • Declining Production: If the well is new or expected to decline quickly in production, selling now can maximize the value before production drops and reduces income.
  • Simplification of Estate Planning: Liquidating royalties can simplify estate planning and the transfer of assets to heirs, reducing the complexity and potential conflicts over future income.
  • Risk Mitigation: Oil and gas royalties are subject to market volatility, regulatory changes, and operational risks. Selling can mitigate exposure to these risks and provide a more stable financial outlook.
  • Investment Opportunities: The proceeds from selling royalties can be used to invest in other opportunities with potentially higher returns or more stable income streams.
  • Cash Flow Issues: If royalty payments are inconsistent or insufficient to meet financial needs, selling royalties can provide a more reliable cash flow.
How to Estimate Oil and Gas Royalty Income

How to Estimate Oil and Gas Royalty Income

Texas Star Seperator

Estimating oil and gas royalty income involves understanding various factors and calculating based on current production data. To estimate oil and gas royalty income accurately for existing wells, you can use recent production data and royalty statements. This involves taking the average monthly income from royalties over a recent period, such as the last three months, and projecting that average over the expected life of the well. However, while you can calculate the value of existing oil and gas royalty income with a reasonable degree of accuracy, predicting income for wells that are not yet producing is much more challenging.

Several factors influence the ability to estimate oil and gas royalty income for wells that may be drilled in the future and are not yet producing. Market prices for oil and gas are highly volatile and can significantly impact future royalty payments. Additionally, the techniques and effectiveness of the operator’s fracking and drilling methods can greatly affect production levels. Variations in these methods can lead to significant differences in the amount of oil and gas extracted, which in turn impacts the royalty income.

Moreover, geological factors, regulatory changes, and technological advancements also play crucial roles in determining future production and, consequently, royalty income. Due to these uncertainties, it is nearly impossible to estimate oil and gas royalty income accurately for wells that have not yet started production. For existing wells, historical production data provides a basis for estimation, but for future wells, these variables introduce too much uncertainty to make precise predictions. Therefore, while estimation methods can provide a general idea, they cannot guarantee exact future royalty income for new or proposed wells.

If you are thinking about selling mineral rights, you will want to get competitive bids to ensure you sell for the best price. Each buyer will have a unique opinion on estimating oil and gas royalty income, so the price they offer will vary widely.  The goal is to find the mineral buyer who is willing to pay the highest price possible.  At Texas Royalty Brokers, we can help you find the mineral buyer who is willing to pay the best price.

Types of Oil and Royalties

Texas Star Seperator

When dealing with oil and gas royalty income, it’s important to understand the different types of royalty interest types, each with its unique characteristics and implications for ownership and revenue. Here are the primary types of oil and gas royalty income interests:

  1. Mineral Rights: This type of interest represents full ownership of the minerals beneath the surface of a property. Owners of mineral rights have the authority to lease the rights to oil and gas companies and receive royalty income from any production. This type of ownership is comprehensive, including both the rights to the minerals and the associated royalty income from their extraction.
  2. Overriding Royalty Interests (ORRI): An ORRI grants the holder the right to collect royalty income from the production of oil and gas without owning the underlying mineral rights. ORRI is typically carved out of the mineral rights or working interest and is usually retained by the lessee or assigned to a third party. ORRI holders benefit from the production revenue without the responsibilities associated with owning the mineral rights.  If the lease expires, the ORRI also expires.
  3. Non-Participating Royalty Interests (NPRI): NPRI holders own a portion of the mineral rights and are entitled to royalty income from the production. However, they do not have the right to participate in leasing decisions or negotiations. Essentially, NPRI owners collect income from the extraction of minerals without having any say in how the property is leased or developed.
  4. Working Interests: This type of interest involves participation in the operational aspects of oil and gas production. Working interest owners are responsible for a share of the costs associated with drilling, completing, and producing the well. While they receive royalty income from the production, they also bear the financial burden of the expenses incurred during the exploration and production processes. Working interests can offer significant returns but also come with higher risks due to the associated operational costs.

Understanding these different types of oil and gas royalty income interests is crucial for anyone involved in the industry, as each type has distinct advantages, responsibilities, and potential financial outcomes. Whether you are a mineral rights owner looking to lease your property or an investor considering ORRI, NPRI, or working interests, knowing the specifics of each interest type will help you make informed decisions and optimize your revenue from oil and gas production.

How to Buy Oil and Gas Royalties

Texas Star Seperator

Buying oil and gas royalties can be a lucrative investment, but it requires a thorough understanding of the associated risks and technical details. One of the most critical aspects to grasp is the concept of decline curves, which are used to predict the future production of a well. Decline curves illustrate how the production rate of a well decreases over time, often starting high and dropping off steeply, especially in the first few years. Understanding these curves helps investors estimate the long-term income potential and value of the royalties they are considering.

In addition to decline curves, potential buyers must be aware of the various risks associated with purchasing mineral rights. Market volatility, fluctuating oil and gas prices, and changes in regulatory policies can significantly impact the value and income generated from the royalties. Additionally, the operational performance of the company managing the well, geological factors, and technological advancements in extraction methods also play crucial roles in determining the profitability of the investment. Thorough due diligence and careful analysis of these factors are essential before making a purchase.

For those looking to invest in oil and gas royalties, Texas Royalty Brokers offers a wide range of mineral rights available for sale. They provide access to detailed information on available properties, including recent check stubs and supporting documentation. By leveraging the expertise and resources of Texas Royalty Brokers, buyers can make informed decisions and identify high-potential investment opportunities. Their platform facilitates competitive bidding, ensuring that buyers receive fair market value and a diverse selection of royalty interests to choose from. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or new to the oil and gas industry, Texas Royalty Brokers can help you navigate the complexities of buying oil and gas royalties.

Why Texas Royalty Brokers

Texas Star Seperator

In addition to maximizing profits, there are several other benefits to working with a royalty broker like Texas Royalty Brokers when selling your oil and gas royalties. For one, a royalty broker has the expertise and knowledge to navigate the complex world of oil and gas royalty sales, which can be especially useful for mineral owners who are unfamiliar with the process.

A royalty broker can also help you understand the value of your royalties and provide you with a realistic estimate of what you can expect to receive from the sale. This can be especially important in the oil and gas industry, where prices and demand can fluctuate rapidly. A royalty broker can provide you with up-to-date market information and help you make informed decisions about when to sell your royalties.

In addition to these benefits, working with a royalty broker can also save you time and hassle. The process of selling oil and gas royalties can be complex and time-consuming, especially if you’re trying to do it on your own. By working with a royalty broker, you can take advantage of their expertise and experience, allowing you to focus on other important matters.

Overall, if you’re a mineral owner in Texas looking to sell your oil and gas royalties, working with a royalty broker like Texas Royalty Brokers can be a smart choice. By getting competitive bids from thousands of mineral buyers, Texas Royalty Brokers can help you sell your royalties for the absolute highest price possible. In addition to maximizing profits, Texas Royalty Brokers can also provide you with expert guidance and support throughout the selling process, making it a seamless and stress-free experience. So, if you want to sell your oil and gas royalties, it is advisable to work with Texas Royalty Brokers.

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