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Client Reviews

Karnes, Tx

September 18, 2024

We had an amazing experience with Emily and Eric. They were professional and knowledgeable in handling our deal and exceeded our expectations. We even experienced an issue on our end that they helped walk us through and resolve quickly! I would definitely use them again!

Sara P.

La Salle, TX

September 4, 2024

They were so Great… always up front, they did all the work and we got a very fair price… Didn’t have to bother with all the calls of other brokers with bait and switch offers. TRB are the Only way to sell your royalties and get a fair price.

Mark M.

Reeves, TX

August 24, 2024

My experience with Texas Royalty Brokers was excellent. Communication at every step in the process was maintained. The price received for the royalties exceeded our expectations. The entire process was completed in six weeks. I’d recommend Texas Royalty Brokers to anyone that considers selling.

Charles P.

Harrison, TX

August 18, 2024

Texas Royalty Brokers was easy to work with and were able to answer all of our questions quickly. We had a pleasant experience working with them.

Paul D.

Howard, TX

August 6, 2024

Working with Eric Winegar was a wonderful experience. He was always available to answer questions and helped get us to our closing quickly. I would definitely work with him again.

Megan D.

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Listing Title

Karnes County Texas - Working Interest for Sale

Listing ID


Listing Status


Accepting Offers on 9/24/2024
  • Listing Posted - complete
  • Listing Evaluation - in progress
  • Accepting Offers - tbd
  • Client Review - tbd
  • Best and Final - tbd
  • Under Contract - tbd

Please take a moment to learn more about each listing phase.


Listing Maps

Listing Files

Please click the download button below to view the listing files. Listing files include maps, check stubs, and other documentation.

Listing Details

Starting Bid: $250,000

  • State : Texas
  • County : karnes
  • Legal Location : Multiple Legal Locations
  • Net Acres : N/A
  • Active Lease : N/A
  • Royalty Rate : N/A
  • Producing : yes
  • Average Income : $3,266/Month

Important:  This is a wellbore only Working Interest.  Please carefully read the information below before submitting a bid.

The ownership consists of multiple wellbore only working interests in Karnes County Texas.  The interests are spread out in multiple locations around the county.  All of these interests are currently operated by Tidal Petroleum.

In 2024, this ownership has generated an average of $4,587/month.  However, some of these wells are currently flush so we are representing the cash flow based on the last 3 months.  The average income in the last 3 months is $3,266/month.

The attached settlement statements are misleading.   The monthly check total shows the gross amount of net positive wells, but excludes the wells where the owner owes money.  The 7/2024 check is a good example.  It shows the check amount as $4,517/month, which is accurate. However, it doesn’t account for the amount owed of $around $500.  This makes the actual income for July $4,046 when you take the negative wells into account.

On the revenue summary attached, we break down the monthly statements on a well by well basis ignoring the total and using the actual performance of each well.  This gives you a more accurate view of the revenue being generated by this ownership.

A few important notes on this ownership:

*We have attached the assignments of Wellbore only WI.   The assignment for the Moy PSA wells was not found publicly, but these assignments all appear to be the same language so we are assuming the same for the Moy PSA wells.

*Please note the restrictive nature of the assignments.  The assignments exclude any upside you might get from a sidetrack, drilling to deeper formations, or other upside out of the current wellbore

*The seller currently appears to have a negative balance on the Janysek 1H and Fox Wells.   We believe this amounts to approximately $3K according to the statements.  The buyer is purchasing this ownership as is, and would need to settle that up with the operator after closing.

All bids should be based on the cash flow being generated.  There will be no adjustments allowed at closing for any reason.  This is a wellbore only interest, so the value is in the cash flow being generated.

For this listing, we are requiring the following:

    1. Special Warranty Deed
    2. 30 Day Close
    3. No adjustments allowed unless mutually agreeable
    4. Buyer agrees to clear any past due amounts with the operator after closing, as represented on the provided statements.  We currently we estimate this around $3,000.
    5. Our closing process included in the PSA, which is:   At closing, buyer will provide the mineral deed.  The seller will execute the mineral deed and return it to Texas Royalty Brokers.  Texas Royalty Brokers will provide buyer with a scanned copy of the deed, and buyer will then wire funds to seller and Texas Royalty Brokers respectively.  Once funds are confirmed, Texas Royalty Brokers will overnight the deed to the Buyer.   
    6. Buyer must close within 14 days or sign our qualified buyer agreement.

To view/download the listing files, please visit the link below:

Download Files

We will begin accepting offers on Tuesday, September 24th.

All buyers are required to either do a 14 day close or sign our qualified buyer agreement once a deal has been verbally agreed upon.  In certain situations, we may require a $5,000 to $10,000 earnest deposit at the sole discretion of Texas Royalty Brokers.

The mineral owner has exclusively listed with Texas Royalty Brokers.  Please do not contact the mineral owner directly.  To make a bid or ask questions about this listing, please contact Texas Royalty Brokers using the contact form below.  Our team will quickly be in touch.

We have other mineral rights for sale.

Exclusitivity Notice

All listings posted at Texas Royalty Brokers are exclusive. The seller has agreed to exclusively sell through our company and will become personally liable if you close a deal directly with the seller. Please direct all offers and communication directly to Texas Royalty Brokers.

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